Yesterday I received a couple packages of paper samples in the mail from various companies and it was oh so exciting for me! As a papermaker and printer, I must say that looking at and touching so many kinds of nice paper really gets my heart throbbing. I have plans to do a lot of letterpress printing this summer, perhaps cards to sell and such, to get a little extra money coming in. One of the most important aspects of a well-printed letterpress card is that the paper feels good and looks good in your hand. Thus, my reasoning for ordering all these free swatchbooks of paper. I cannot order from online photos you know?
There are thousands of choices for paper so the prerequisites for me are that the paper is either 30-100% post-consumer fiber or recycled content, is tree-less (alternative fibers), and/or has chlorine-free pulp. Anyway, my favorite sample came from Gmund's papermill.
The stock colors are named for classifications of German beer: Weizen-white, Lager-cream, Pils-mustard, Ale-rust and Bock-brown. The coolest thing is the content—Bier Paper is made of: 40-60% Recycled beer labels 30-50%, TCF (totally chlorine free) pulp, and 5-20% Beer drags (the waste material of beer production). Unfortunately, this paper is also the most expensive one!
I also ordered the following swatchbooks: Wausau Royal Fiber, Neenah Classic Crest, Neenah Environment, New Leaf Paper, Mohawk and Domtar. Now it is time to make a choice and order some cover stock and envelopes! Anyway, I highly recommend these paper companies for your basic paper needs, including printer/copy paper. You'd be surprised how many stores carry these fabulous papers (everywhere except in Fairbanks!). It's fun to use a unique paper that also supports the environment. Forget about Office Max and HP brands! As for me, I have to get printing...
There are thousands of choices for paper so the prerequisites for me are that the paper is either 30-100% post-consumer fiber or recycled content, is tree-less (alternative fibers), and/or has chlorine-free pulp. Anyway, my favorite sample came from Gmund's papermill.
The stock colors are named for classifications of German beer: Weizen-white, Lager-cream, Pils-mustard, Ale-rust and Bock-brown. The coolest thing is the content—Bier Paper is made of: 40-60% Recycled beer labels 30-50%, TCF (totally chlorine free) pulp, and 5-20% Beer drags (the waste material of beer production). Unfortunately, this paper is also the most expensive one!
I also ordered the following swatchbooks: Wausau Royal Fiber, Neenah Classic Crest, Neenah Environment, New Leaf Paper, Mohawk and Domtar. Now it is time to make a choice and order some cover stock and envelopes! Anyway, I highly recommend these paper companies for your basic paper needs, including printer/copy paper. You'd be surprised how many stores carry these fabulous papers (everywhere except in Fairbanks!). It's fun to use a unique paper that also supports the environment. Forget about Office Max and HP brands! As for me, I have to get printing...
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