Impressions, daydreams and ramblings on art, food, life and other obsessions.

Monday, May 25, 2009

Garden Inventory

I suppose this post is more for me to use as a reference/log than anyone else....but perhaps other people may actually be interested in all the colorful things I am growing up here in Fairbanks! I've decided to make a list of everything I grew from seed this year and direct seeded in my garden so that I can come back in the Fall to this post and note which ones did amazingly well and which ones failed. It will also be useful for me to refer to next Spring when I begin the whole seed-starting process again.

Since I will be transplanting most of the vegetables into the raised beds tomorrow, I took a photo of the inventory after bringing the plants back inside from their last day of hardening off. In Fairbanks, June 1st is the last frost date, yet I have always planted out earlier because I use plastic row covers over hoops. This year it is just exceptionally warm so I am not concerned at all, but it is nice to have the row covers handy in cases of nasty hail and possible frost.

March 20th - Started Seeds:
Brandywine Tomatoes

Peacevine Cherry Tomatoes
Cosmonaut Volkov Tomatoes
Ida Gold Tomatoes
Applegreen Eggplant
Early JalepeƱo Pepper
Hungarian Hot Wax Pepper
Long Red Narrow Cayenne Pepper

April 20th - Started Seeds:
Catskill Brussel Sprouts
Snow Crown Cauliflower
Tendergreen Broccoli
Windsor Broccoli
Red Russian Kale
Smooth "Even Star" Kale/Collards
Golden Acre Cabbage
Red Mammoth Cabbage
Perfection Savoy Cabbage
Red Rumple Lettuce
Olga Romaine
Table Queen Acorn Squash

May 2nd - Started Seeds
National Pickling Cucumber
Five Color Silverbeet Swiss Chard
Mammoth Sweet Peas
Costata Romanesca Zucchini

Patty Pan Pumpkin

May 20th-21st
Started Seeds:
Black Seeded Simpson Lettuce
Buttercrunch Lettuce

Sowed in Garden:

Sugar Snap Peas - sprouted May 26th
Green Arrow Shelling Peas - sprouted May 26th
Potatoes (All Blue, Yukon Gold, French Fingerling,
and Swedish Peanut) - started sprouting June 9th
Onions - sprouted May 28th
Red Meat Radish - sprouted May 24th
French Breakfast Radish
- sprouted May 24th
Provider Bush Beans - sprouted June 4th (could start inside for better results)
Bull's Blood Beets - sprouted May 28th
Golden Detroit Beets
- sprouted May 28th
Early Wonder Tall Top Beets - sprouted May 28th
Scarlet Nantes Carrots - Sprouted June 2nd
Cosmic Purple Carrots - sprouted June 1st
Rainbow Mix Carrots - Sprouted June 2nd
Laurentian Rutabagas
- sprouted May 27th
Gold Ball Turnips - sprouted May 26th

May 26th
Sowed in Garden:
Mustard Mesclun Mix - sprouted June 1st
Organic Greens Mix - sprouted June 1st
Extra Nasturtium and Sweet Peas seeds

Transplanted to Garden:
All Brassicas
All Lettuce
All herbs

Entire Garden is planted except squashes.

May 28th: Cool and Rainy Weather for a few days.
Only 46 degrees this morning!
Transplanted and moved the (10) tomatoes, (9) peppers, and (3) eggplant into the greenhouse.

June 1st:
Transplanted (2) Costata Romanesca Zucchini to garden.
Started seeds: Arugula, Tom Thumb Bibb lettuce
Transplanted (6) cucumbers to the greenhouse.

June 2nd:
Transplanted (2) Table Queen Acorn Squash to garden.
Transplanted Scarlet Runner Beans to garden.

Garden is completely planted! Yay!


  1. FYI youre insane

    neighbor dan

  2. Dan, yep, I am indeed a crazy gardener and I absolutely love to grow things! I just can't help myself. My gardening journals have really helped me to have more success each year I start seeds. I am a bit OCD about it eh?

  3. How inspiring...I thought my list of starts and plantings was long! Once again, I admire your gardening work. I need to shed the fear of planting too early...I am always so late in harvest due to this irrational fear of killing my precious starts that I have nurtured so lovingly all winter in my basement.

  4. Thanks Allyson. We've got to move fast here with the super short growing season so I am always pushing the date to plant out. With our hoop covers for the raised beds, everything seems to stay happy even in cooler evenings. The only things I wait on are squash and bush beans because they just like it sunny and hot! We got our earliest salad yet this year: June 13th...which is great since we can't plant until June 1st here (supposedly!).
